Premium dark rum with homemade caramel for a rich, smoky sweetness. Top quality American rum, Gnightmare has no artificial colors or sweeteners: just sweet dreams...with a dark twist.

Premium dark rum with homemade caramel for a rich, smoky sweetness. Top quality American rum, Gnightmare has no artificial colors or sweeteners: just sweet dreams...with a dark twist.
Gnebriated Gnome is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado near the base of the Rocky Mountains. We are a big family of nerds who enjoy board games, Dungeons & Dragons, drinks, gnomes, and everything fun. All of our rum is double distilled in small batches, gluten free, and made from high-quality molasses and fine Colorado water. We love our craft, and we know you will too.
Creating Gnightmare involved many long nights studying arcane tomes and delving into the history of sugar and rum production. The enigmatic secrets we uncovered allowed us to conquer the authentic traditions of dark rum. Up next, THE WORLD! Bwahahahaha
Dark Rum with homemade caramel for a rich, smoky sweetness.
Tasting Notes
Premium dark rum with homemade caramel for a rich, smoky sweetness. Top quality American rum, Gnightmare has no artificial colors or sweeteners: just sweet dreams...with a dark twist.
Gnebriated Gnome is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado near the base of the Rocky Mountains. We are a big family of nerds who enjoy board games, Dungeons & Dragons, drinks, gnomes, and everything fun. All of our rum is double distilled in small batches, gluten free , and made from high-quality molasses and fine Colorado water. We love our craft, and we know you will too.
It all started on the farm with a batch of Mulberry wine so good we made it an annual thing. Friends came from as far as Georgia for their share of the yearly vintage. Soon this hobby became an obsession. Peaches, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, even plums became wine. Kiwis turned out to be a spectacular failure. With experimentation came experience and wisdom and the joy of providing a special cherry wine for a friend’s wedding reception.