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Teperberg Winery - Essence Malbec Dry Red Wine
The Essence Malbec grapes originate from a vineyard site which has a unique and ideal microclimate. This site in the Ayalon Valley has a distinguishing airflow, allowing the vines to cool in the evening from the average daily temperatures. This Malbec vineyard was planted with clone 595 scion on SO4 rootstock. The SO4 rootstock restricts vigor thereby maintaining balanced vines. The combination of the French origin scion and SO4 rootstock, contributes to the high-quality fruit. Additionally, this vineyard underwent several fruit thinnings to allow for a harvest of uniformly ripe and highly concentrated aromatic and flavorful fruit.
Deep, sensual wine with a concentrated color. Characterized by a great balance between delicate sourness and ripe fruits.

Tasting Notes