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Holystone Distilling - Apparition Absinthe Verte
“Emerald and black, the waves roll beneath you
Swaying in darkness, naught to be seen
Hard to say, what the oceans will show you
But lanterns and lightning that flicker in green.”
-Ethan S. Miller
Apparitions are common in nautical folklore. Stories of the Flying Dutchmen, or Mermaids, or mysterious creatures abound in legend and are credited with fiendish motives and friendly ones alike. Much like the oceans of the world, Absinthe Verte is a spirit steeped with legend and mystery.
Apparition Absinthe Verte is the result of years of research. It is made infusing grape spirits with WORMWOOD, FENNEL, and GREEN ANISE, it is then distilled before being infused with a blend of herbs and botanicals to achieve the final color and flavor; The same methods and ingredients used to create Absinthe Verte 100+ years ago.
We are proud to bring you Utah’s first.

Tasting Notes