Tipxy Blog: Gettin' Crafty With Our Spirits
Spirit Academy is an opportunity to learn about spirits- where they're from, how they came about, and where to find them, along with learning the spirit world lingo!Read now
Top 10 Alcoholic Christmas Gifts of 2022
Read nowCan't decide what would look best for your friend, spouse, or significant other under the tree? We have some suggestions! 1. Sneaky Peat Scotch Sneaky Peat Scotch is a beautiful blend of Highland single malt scotch whiskies, with just a...
Fruity and Refreshing Sangria- Polka Dot Promise
Read nowWhat is Sangria? Photo Credits: Steven Labinski Sangria is one of those drinks that you've heard of, definitely, but may not be able to clearly define. A refreshing Spanish drink designed for sunny afternoons, Sangria is kind of like a...
From Out In The Boondocks To Your Front Door
Read nowOut In The Boondocks... The theme throughout the Boondocks Craft Whiskey journey is quality, patience, and honoring history and tradition. The Boondocks Craft Whiskey brand and its founder, Dave Scheurich, believe that "vision is starting where others finished." There's no rushing...
The Spirit of Sustainability and Adventure: Crater Lake Spirits
Read nowCrater Lake Spirits: Background, Inspiration, and Products Crater Lake Spirits has been around since 1996, making it over 25 years old and older than most. In the late 1900s, craft wineries and breweries were taking off and flourishing, and according...
Four Distinct Expressions of Mezcal: Meet Pluma Negra
Read nowPluma Negra Doesn't Just Make a Bottle of Mezcal... They make four, using three unique kinds of agave plants and a different process for each, resulting in each bottle becoming its own story with individual aromas and tasting notes. Pluma Negra...
Rockhopper Rum... But Why The Angry Penguin?
Read nowRockhopper Rum: The Story The Belgian Spirit Rockhopper Rum is named for the penguin species of the same name, the southern rockhopper penguins. Rockhopper penguins are one of the smallest penguin species, only weighing between 5 and 10 pounds, but...
The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Shot
Read nowPhoto Credits: Kimberly Vardeman Bake Sale Chocolate Chip Cookie Liqueur- What It Is And How It's Made Chocolate chip cookie liquor?! What does that even mean? Bakesale Background These alcoholic cookie shots are the real deal, made from millions of...
The Spirits of Life and The Scientist Behind Them
A spirit brand created as a microbiologist's second career, Vitae Spirits Distillery stems from local ingredients and community collaboration.Read now